Phuzamanzi Electrical is duly registered with the Department of Labour (annual registrations), and we have an Installation Electrician (Wireman’s licence) who is also registered with the DOL. We also are the members of the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) and Electrical Contracting Board (ECB) of South Africa. We attend workshops and seminars with the association which assists with the ‘up-skilling’ and passing on of information regarding the latest changes in regulations and technology. Coupled to this, we are also registered at the CIDB for both construction (EP) and facilities (EB). All of these credentials contribute to the element of comfort in customers dealing with us, as we are duly trained and skilled, and thus guarantee our work. Our supply chain also encompasses partnerships with the best electrical wholesalers which are known and have a footprint throughout South Africa, thus passing the savings to our valued Clients.
Phuzamanzi Industrial Maintenance Projects
65 State Rd 1685
Region 4 (Centurion)
South Africa
082 800 7661