The Cosmopolitan Projects and Central Developments Property Group has been developing residential property for almost 30 years. Through constant innovation, attention to every detail in the development process, and a strong focus on quality and value for money, the group has firmly established itself as the market leader in South Africa’s residential development sector.
We specialise in affordable housing, rental complexes, secure lifestyle estates, serviced stands and retirement estates, but we have also ventured into industrial development, self-storage and affordable independent schools.
The group’s success is largely based on three cornerstones: turnkey development, marketing and innovation.
Our holistic, turnkey approach to property development enables us to directly control the entire value chain of our developments. This ensures low to zero development risk, a top-quality product and, since there are no middle-men, we save money which means we can offer our client the best prices in the market.
We do everything in the development process from start to finish ourselves. We procure prime development land, do market research and product development, secure development funding and oversee the town planning and services process. We also do the project management, construction, marketing, administration and finances, as well as the rental and property management in-house.
The second cornerstone of the group’s success has always been our very strong marketing orientation, which is why we do all our marketing ourselves. We believe that if you can’t sell it, you can’t develop it. The majority of our 1 000+ employees are therefore involved in marketing.
Lastly we are constantly striving to set new standards and enhance our product offering to our clients through innovative ideas. For example, with our technology partners we are now supplying fibre optic internet connections to all the houses and apartments we build. We have also partnered with the Green Building Council of South Africa to register future retirement projects for Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency – or EDGE – certifications. This means that our houses will be built to be at least 20% more energy efficient than the norm.
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