Tappo Industries is a well established BBBEE rated South African owned company operating from the Automotive Supplier Park in Rosslyn since 2006. We supply a range of paintshop and clean-room consumable products to the medical industry and various OEM vehicle manufacturers and their allied suppliers across South Africa.
Our products include lint-free/anti-static and poly-cotton garments made to order, imported high quality tack cloths, lint free cloths (sealer and solvent), as well as custom made lint-free robot covers made to order.
We also offer a commercial laundry service supplying most Gauteng based OEM’s. In addition Tappo operates a heavy duty section specialising in the manufacturing of canvas protective covers and customised solutions for the material handling of motor vehicle products.
Our high-tech laser cutters are the only textile profile laser cutters in the country at present and this gives us the flexibility to satisfy our customers needs and specifications, at very competitive rates.
Our employees are our most valued asset and today, through continuous training and development programs, we employ up to 55 skilled factory workers, of which the majority are women.
We have an efficient administration and management team that make it their highest priority to deliver each product on time and to the customer’s quality expectations.
The new company owners, who recently took over from previous owner Anne Shahini in March 2015, are poised to grow the business to its full potential. The directors have over 31 years combined motor industry experience and believe that Tappo is well positioned to grow both locally and internationally.
Etienne Britz is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA) and Brendon Lowe has a B.Eng (Mech) degree with over 15 years of production experience.
Tappo Industries is Situated in Rosslyn Industrial Area.