Salary Smart SA

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  3. Salary Smart SA

Salary Smart SA was found in April 2012 by the Director of the company, Hendrik von Wielligh.
He developed a passion not only for payroll, but for helping people with Payroll and HR challenges and making sure that they did not pay more than they need to and also pay as much as they need to by law.
Salary Smart SA has since grown into a reputable company doing payroll for clients not only in South Africa, but also in other African countries.
The biggest passion and drive for the company is to find a one-stop solution for the total HR picture in your company.
Being the complete HR part of your company, so that you can focus on what your company is meant to do.
That is why we have partner with some of the best technology available in the Payroll, HR and Time & Attendance environment.
Affordability is also of great key to us, and therefore our price ranges will find you surprised, yet satisfied.
Your employees make up your company, and lets you produce the service or product needed to make your business viable.
Giving them peace of mind with the best technology and accurate taxation and deductions makes more satisfied employees.
With our complete paperless solution available will keep your employees smiling as they also will have all information they need at their fingertips.
Let SALARY SMART SA not only become your choice of HR solutions, but your friend in the HR Environment.

Contact Information
8 Oxford Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria 81
City: Pretoria
Region: Region 1 (North West)
Country: South Africa
Phone: 076 085 2003

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