- Realty1 is one of the 7 biggest Estate agencies in South-Africa
- Franchise Offices in 8 of the 9 Provinces
- Realty1 has been established as Basil Elk Eiendomme in 1961
- There are 500+ Estate Agents practicing under the Realty1 banner
- Realty1 focuses on Residential Property which includes: Houses, Townhouses, Apartments, Vacant land and Development
- Realty 1 Pretoria New East commenced business in December 2004
- 15+ Trained Agents in Service
- Owners are full-time involved in the Business
- Very competent Administrative personnel
- Technologically advanced systems
- Show office in Moreleta Square Shopping Centre
U33, Moreleta Square, Rubenstein Dr & Githa st, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044, South Africa
Moreleta Park
Region 6 (East)
South Africa
086 199 7997