Receive, appraise and report on the client’s requirements with particular regard to site information, planning and statutory regulations and budget.
Prepare construction documentation and co-ordinate the documentation with the work designed by consultants and specialists. Obtain approval from the relevant authorities, review the estimated cost of the works in relation to the budget & prepare documents to procure offers for the execution of the works.
Advised by any appointed consultants, prepare a design concept in broad outline showing intended space provisions, planning relationships, materials and services intended to be used.
Obtain tenders for the execution of the works and advise the client regarding the award of the building contract. Prepare contract documentation and arrange for the signing thereof & administer and perform the duties assigned to the architect in the building contract.
Develop the design concept in sufficient detail to define the construction of the building, spatially co-ordinate the work developed by consultants & review the design with the relevant authorities.
Provide the client with as-built drawings, certificates, relevant technical data and guarantees from suppliers on completion of the works.
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