ManChem is an independent biosecurity consulting and chemical manufacturing company
The ManChem team incorporates a formulation chemist, biochemist, forensic chemist, microbiologist and chemical engineer specializing in the design, testing and optimization of biocides as well as the formulation of chemical products.
Since 1998 the founding members were included in poultry farming on a large scale, both breeding and laying farms. During this time they became aware of the importance of biosecurity in intensive farming operations. As a result of their experience in chemical research, they started to investigate the composition of existing poultry disinfections and the efficiency thereof.
They identified the need for a new range of effective broad spectrum disinfectants as it became clear that a lot of pathogens were resistant to existing products. Consequently, they developed a new range of poultry disinfectants in conjunction with the laboratory of a major chicken producer.
Manchem is situated in Tannery Industrial Park