Macrobert Attorneys – Archives

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  5. Macrobert Attorneys – Archives

Established in 1896 as a result of a merger between the two practices of MacRobert, de Villiers and Hitge, and Lunnon and Tindall, we have, since our humble beginnings, grown to be one of the most respected law firms in South Africa.In addition we also afford recent graduates the chance to complete their compulsory article years with us. Our major local and international clients include automotive corporations, banks and other financial institutions, as well as commercial, industrial and mining corporations. MacRobert manages law concerns in the following fields: medicine, property, pharmaceuticals industrial engineering, oil, food and beverage, clothing manufacturing and the steel and iron industry.

Macrobert Attorneys – Archives is situated in Sildale Industrial park

Contact Information
Suburbs: Sildale Park
City: Pretoria
Region: Region 6 (East)
Country: South Africa

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