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The Gigajoule Group invests in, develops and operates clean energy projects. Gigajoule employs a team of professionals with extensive knowledge in developing natural gas projects from conception, design, financing, construction and ultimately the operation, management and maintenance.

The Gigajoule Group was founded in 2001.  The initial founder shareholders worked with the Mozambican government to assist with the development of a domestic gas industry in Mozambique. In 2003, Gigajoule established a subsidiary company in Mozambique, Matola Gas Company (MGC), which owns the concession rights to transport and distribute Natural Gas in the Maputo Province.

MGC completed the construction of the network in 2005, ahead of schedule and within budget. MGC is the second-largest gas company in Southern Africa. In 2017, the company sold 21 million gigajoules to more than 30 industries, vehicle fleets and 2 power stations.

Following the success of the network and MGC, Gigajoule expanded into other natural gas related projects in Southern Africa.

Gigajoule is the founder of Gigawatt Mozambique, which received a 25-year concession to install and operate 350MW gas-fired power stations at Ressano Garcia, Mozambique, to sell electricity to the wider region.

The first 120MW power station was completed in December 2015. The power is sold to the Mozambican power utility, EDM.

GIGAJOULE is situated in Highveld Technopark

Contact Information
50 Tegel Ave,
Suburbs: Highveld Technopark
City: Pretoria
Region: Region 4 (Centurion)
Country: South Africa
Phone: 012 682 9120

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