Dry Ice Services specialises in the manufacturing of dry ice in different shapes and sizes, as well as the application and distribution of these products. Deliveries are executed nationwide or cross-border throughout the year on a 24/7 basis.
We also specialise in Dry Ice Blasting. Services are rendered by making use of a wide range of Dry Ice Blasting machines, which depend on the specific application. Dry ice pellets are manufactured according to the different sizes required and these are of the highest standard in the world. Dry Ice Services does not only have the most extensive range of dry ice products available in South Africa, but most of our dry ice manufacturing and liquefaction equipment has been developed and built in-house.
Taking into account our expertise in dry ice manufacturing, enhanced by some of the most advanced equipment and techniques available to us, we are able to produce superior quality dry ice and maintain a recovery of the revert CO₂ gas, well above the world standard.