R51 Autobody

  1. R51 Autobody

RSI Motor Services/ Motordienste was registered, and in 1998 a small rented workshop opened its doors in Pretoria West.

We became RMI (Retail Motor Industry) and SAMBRA (South African Motor Body Repairers Association ) accredited.

Alas, a bigger workshop soon became inevitable, and in 1999 the company moved to Sunderland Ridge, Centurion, trading as RSI-Autobody.

Building alterations increased the floor space by more than 400 square metres.

New equipment streamlined the increased workflow. (2nd Spray booth, Digital 3D Jigging System)

The company upgraded from (NSR) Non Structural Repairer to (MSR) Major Structural Repairer.

We changed to a more environment-friendly RM Waterbased Paint.

Our staff increased by 50%

Then, after 9 years of service excellence to our clients , increased workflow forced us once more to upgrade and extend our premises.

Contact Information
61 Rudolph Street 7
Suburbs: Sunderland Ridge
City: Pretoria
Region: Region 4 (Centurion)
Country: South Africa
Phone: 012 666 7316

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